With my portfolio, I aim to visually represent my work as I am planning to create visuals within the music industry. By relying heavily on visuals,
I will be able to highlight my skills in software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and TouchDesigner. Being someone that
works heavily with visual storytelling I want to represent those skills within my website. The voice of my website will be offbeat, eclectic,
experimental, and funky matching my developing art style and the type of audience I want to attract. Moreover, I want the tone of my
website to be heavily driven by visuals. It makes the most sense as I plan to design for visuals within the music industry and would
like to highlight my work in the most effective way. The heavy focus that I place on my visuals sets me up as a brand that is visually driven!
By experimenting with the styling/ look of my website visually and kinetically I will be able to further showcase my visual design skills.
One of my favorite websites that captures the heavy emphasis on visuals and has kinetic energy I like is
weirdcore.tv . Upon opening the website something is moving everywhere
perfectly capturing the energy of weirdcore's style--especially considering the artists he has worked with (Aphex Twin, Arca, M.I.A., etc.).
The website draws the eyes all over and gives everything that I'd love to see in an offbeat visual design website. I really want to integrate
animation into my site.
I'd say that I'm aiming to attract people who have an offbeat or alternative style to the things they do/ are attracted to. The top three
personas that I believe would be interested in me and my work include: one in need of a creative director, a stage design company, and one in
need of short-form content.
By taking inspiration from websites that caught my eye and shared my vision, I plan to take those ideas and make my website scream Rai. If I'm attracted
to something, 9 times out of 10 it fits in with my style or character in some way. By making my website indisputably Rai, I won't have to worry about the
competition because there's only one me, and my personality will ooze through my website.